Leg Pain Specialist

University Vascular

Board Certified Vascular Surgeons located in Watkinsville, GA

You could be experiencing leg pain because of an injury or chronic musculoskeletal condition, but vascular disease is also a leading cause of leg pain. If you have leg pain that may be due to a problem with your blood vessels, the board-certified vascular surgeons of University Vascular can help. At their locations in Watkinsville, Georgia, they offer a range of cutting-edge treatments to address the causes of leg pain, including VenaCure® endovenous radiofrequency ablation and VenaSeal™ vein closure treatments. Call the office nearest you or schedule a consultation online today.

Leg Pain Q & A

What causes leg pain?

Your legs might hurt because you have an injury or a chronic condition such as arthritis. There are also a number of vascular disorders that can lead to persistent leg pain. Leg pain is likely to be more of an issue when age-related changes start affecting your body.

Vascular disorders that can cause leg pain include:

Chronic venous insufficiency

Chronic venous insufficiency is a problem with the valves inside your veins that allows blood to trickle away from your heart. The blood forms pools that make the veins swell and change color, creating visible varicose veins.

Peripheral artery disease (PAD)

PAD develops when fatty deposits called plaque line your arteries. This makes blood vessels narrower and harder, and causes leg pain when walking.

Deep vein thrombosis (DVT)

DVT is a blood clot that forms in the deep veins, typically in your legs. Sticky blood and poor circulation cause a clot to form that can partially or fully block the vein carrying blood back to your heart. It's possible for clots to break off and travel to major organs, causing potentially life-threatening problems like a pulmonary embolism in your lungs.

How is the cause of my leg pain diagnosed?

University Vascular reviews your medical history, current health, and symptoms, and then performs a physical examination.

You might need to undergo diagnostic testing such as a Doppler ultrasound or an angiogram to assess how well blood flows in your veins and pinpoint any narrowed or blocked blood vessels.

What treatments might I need for leg pain?

The right treatment for your leg pain depends on what's causing the problem.

Deep vein thrombosis

DVT requires immediate treatment to prevent clots from traveling to other organs. You might have to take IV or oral blood-thinning medication. 

In some cases, it might be necessary to have thrombolysis, which uses a catheter to access the vein and deliver clot-busting medication.

Chronic venous insufficiency

There are several options for treating chronic venous insufficiency when it causes varicose veins. They include sclerotherapy, VenaSeal vein closure, endovenous laser therapy, and endovenous radiofrequency ablation using VenaCure. 

These treatments close the affected veins permanently so blood goes through healthy veins nearby.

Peripheral artery disease

Lifestyle changes and medication such as statins and blood pressure drugs can prevent PAD from worsening. You might need to undergo a minimally invasive procedure called angioplasty to widen the affected arteries.

Find out why you have leg pain and get the most effective treatment for your condition by calling University Vascular or booking an appointment online today.